Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Visible & Invisible Scars

  A recurring theme in my life lately is scars, both visible physical scars and the emotional scars that we receive through life changing experiences. We all have these scars and unique markers that make us who we are. Often…

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Health & Fitness

A Life Update: Never a Dull Moment

You may have noticed it’s been unusually quiet around here lately… There’s been a lot going on and it’s been a lot of work just keeping my days running smoothly, let alone having time to write. With only about 54…

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Body Image, Health & Fitness

You'll Always Be Fat

He sent me a message that said “Remember, you’ll always be fat.” When I read it at 6am on Sunday, upon waking up, I was groggy and confused. Why would someone I know send me that message? I read and…

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Health & Fitness, Style, Workout Style


I used to be afraid of being alone. Not in terms of things it’s “normal” to do alone like shopping, getting coffee, or running errands. But things like going out to eat or going to a movie by myself. I…

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